Tuesday, 15 September 2009

on distractions

We miss living the abundant joy that is already present inside us every moment, when we search for happiness in the future. Instead of embracing the unknown moment by moment, we avoid it by distracting ourselfes with different activities like working, eating, watching TV, smoking, fantasizing about the future etc. Only with absolute awareness can we stay present and bring peace and joy to ourselfes and others.

Monday, 14 September 2009

on unconsciousness

Most of humanity lives under the influence of the collective veil of illusion, unable to break out of it. It is difficult to break through this veil because the weight and gravitation field of humanity's unconscious is too heavy. The world's power structures (economic, political and religious) have an investment in keeping the masses unconscious. It is the only way that they can keep their authority alive and dictate how everyone should live. Those in charge of these structures are afraid that the masses break free of the collective veil - they won't be controllable anymore and won't do what they are told. To break free of the collective veil of illusion, you must find the courage and determination to face your social and religious conditioning and .......stand alone in your individual truth.

Sunday, 13 September 2009

on reconnection

The findings of physics, psychology, mysticism and religion are all coming together now and forming into a new synthesis based on a changed perception of coincidences and increased insights.