Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Live pure and simple - creative solutions for an elegant life

I imagine picturing the interconnectedness between people, whilst embracing & affirming life. I want to communicate an idea of intensified, sophisticated simplicity, which makes room for what is wild, powerful, sensual and beautiful.I thus present my work in a lighter, warmer, more uplifting light – reflecting on our true perfection and conclusively arrive at a fresh, experimental approach which turns out to be quite unique, colourful and free-flowing. From the begining of my artistic career I specialized in dynamic, tactile, multi-layered patterns, whilst reflecting on our constant transition and physical complexity. Please see:

We need to give beauty a more relevant place in life and care for the soul, since the soul is nurtured by beauty. It’s not only pleasure and conviviality we thrive upon, but also on beauty, which is ultimately necessary for the return of the soul.Many of the beliefs that contemporary culture subscribes to today is that art is purely aesthetic and will never change the world. I believe however that when art actively engages with people’s issues it is often intensely aesthetic, because it responds compassionately to whatever it is touched by and is therefore helping to create a more beautiful world.