It's all coming to the forefront now - the next couple of years are going to be the most interesting and the most full of growth opportunities for people. Perhaps a dark night of the soul for many first, but nevertheless an opportunity to not only change the way we live, but also to change our perspective on how we want to live. Really think about what is important? Is it the money, is it the big car, is it the million dollar home? It isn't any of that. We don't need all this. It's our family and our friends that are important and who we are! Where are we going with ourselves? Have people looked inside themselves and said: 'I do all this work, I support other things and other people, but am I actually fulfilling what I want to do? Am I infact following my passion? Am I truly happy in my effort in what I have done. Have I made any difference whatsowever and what's going on here in the world? Now, you can be a clerk in a large corporation and say "...yeah, this is my life's fulfillment!" Well good for you, great. But I know in actuality there are far and few in between. People really need to start evaluating their live and get extremely creative in order to figure out what they can do to fulfill themselves - to fulfill their dreams to at least know what those dreams are and start going after them. Ultimately, when you come right down to it, the question that has to be asked is.....WHO AM I? What is it that I want? What is it that I am creating? What is it that I want to create? How much am I actually valued by myself my family? Am I loved? Am I respected? Am I following my hearts desire? Am I spiritually evolving? Or am I just on this automatic treadmill that the media and the all earth religions have put us on? You feel good on Sunday but by Wednesday it's all worn off. And that's because it's not genuine depth, it's not genuine happiness- it's instant salvation. And that doesn't work. It's not that anybody actually needs salvation, they just need to love themselves. And in finding that and in truly embracing that love, that passion for themselves and honouring themselves - you'll be amazed at how much waste that is right now in you life will just fall away. Because, what isn't real will just fall away. When you are actually on your path then it's all about self-responibility and that isn't going to change. That's where the real growth is and real evolution comes from...not who you are going to screw over next in order to amass more material gain.