Sunday, 30 May 2010

Harness the Power of Womanhood

Have you harnessed the power of your womanhood? Are you walking and living in strength and control? If you have been searching for something more in your life, perhaps it is time to become an empowered woman. Remember, the wise do not indulge in hopefulness, nor do they dwell in regret, but instead address things just as they are, so that with awareness, honesty and steadfastness they may go The Way in spiritual surrender.


Do you live your life with passion and conviction? Do you wake every day, seeking new possibilities along the horizon? Make every single day of your life better than the one before. How, you ask? By making the most of each moment, you will experience life in a much greater way than you ever imagined you could.


Do you condemn yourself at every turn? It is so easy to be cruel to yourself but self condemnation is nothing but harmful to you and your self-esteem.An empowered woman builds herself up by loving herself and being kind to herself. Harness your inner power by praising yourself for all your hard work. Recognize your strengths and accentuate them, instead of focusing on all the things that you don't like about yourself.

Why waste any time doing something that makes you miserable? That is total wasted time and energy that you could expend on doing what you love. Living a miserable existence can never compare to a life full of happiness and joy. Doing what you love opens that door to peace and contentment.


At the heart of every self-empowered woman, you will find solid, healthy relationships. Without this, you will feel unsteady and anxious. Healthy relationships are built upon a foundation of trust, honor, peace, moral values, and communication. Can you become an empowered woman? Absolutely! The choice is yours though. Now that you have some of the keys, start living your empowered life today.

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