Hawkwood College is a residential centre for holistic adult education and personal development. An integral part of the Hawkwood mission is to bring people together from many streams of social, artistic and spiritual learning and to honour its founding anthroposophical impulse. www.hawkwoodcollege.co.uk
If you live in the UK, then you are probably aware of popular TV series like 'How to look good nacked', or 'Faking it'. Today's society seems to be obsessed with self-improvement entertainment programmes, and better still, people are actually willing to expose themselves & come forward to make positive changes in their lives infront of a national audience. This is very impressive to say the least.

A lot of new age teachings nowadays talk about the importance of using guiding imagery and repetitive affirmations to bring about such a personal transformation. You might have heard of various principles such as creating a 'Vision Board' and writing down an 'Ideal Life Letter' in the 1st person to yourself to help define your goals and visualize positive outcomes that will help manifesting your idea of an empowered life. Painting is one way of achieving that & also an amazing tool to attain a maximum of self-awareness through which you can increase your reality
Day 1
17:00 - 17:30 Introduction
17:30 - 18:00 Life coaching questionnaire
18:00 - 19:00 dinner
19:00 - 20:00 create a collage/ vision board, using affirmations
20:00 – 21:00 write your ideal life letter "What do you really want?"

Day 2
9:30 - 11:00 am photo session in pairs
11:00 – 11:30 am break
11:30 – 1:00 pm selection of images/ identifying your colours
1:00 - 2:00pm lunch
2:00 - 3:30pm warm up sketches / painting techniques
3:30 - 4:00pm break
4:00 - 5:00pm developing composition
Day 3
9:30 - 11:00 am start on final portrait
11:00 - 11:30am break
12:00 - 1:00pm painting
1:00 - 2:30pm lunch
2:00 - 3:30pm finishing touches
3:30 - 4:00pm exhibition

- complete an astrology report (astrodienst) and Pamala Oslie's aura colour test @ www.russellrowe.com to evaluate your dominant emotional, physical and mental colour personalities.
- bring magazines, old photographs etc. for vision board collage
and digital camera, props and clothing for photo shot;
You are a powerful being, beautiful and extraordinary!
It's time we set clear goals for ourselves and our world. We need to establish balance and harmony with our bodies, our lives, with each other & our surroundings in order to build the beauty of our true selves. It begins with improving our world and for that we must learn to improve our conditions, our character, our deeds and to be honest with oneself. Ask for strength, courage, faith, guidance, healing—whatever you need. How much of your will are you going to put behind your request? Just a little or your entire being? You are here to be happy, to learn, to grow, to evolve, to love, to laugh, to serve—and to experience the joy of your limitless Being! ...simply put, when we learn to build our goals and intentions on the positive emotions - we are healing our world!
Here are a few things you can do ...
- Be love
- Quieten Your Mind
- Detox your body & mind with lots of time in nature
- Use steam, sauna, charcoal, clay, raw food, herbs, bark, wheatgrass
- Create a low stress lifestyle
- Have lots of lush plants to absorb electromagnetic radiation
- Eat spiritually-blessed clean healthy food/ pH balanced diet
- Drink lots of springwater
- Release Emotions
- Overcome Fear
- stop watching TV
- Heal past trauma
- Eliminate limiting beliefs
- Lead a healthy physical, mental, emotional & spiritual lifestyle
Furthermore, beautiful art is having a big influence on the flowering of human consciousness. Remember, by introducing bright, vibrant, energetic feng shui colours to your home, you'll stimulate creativity and add lot's of positive 'chi' to your life! Additionally, in order to overcome any issues about yourself that are bothering you, you need to show the Universe exactly what you want. You must write it down and bring this statement to life with an inspiring image that illustrates your wish,
before releasing it ...
We need a new vision of an empowered female. We need more vibrant, stimulating, exciting art in this world that makes us feel good - art that celebrates our vital life-force and lights up our lives! Such art should combine power with gentleness and strenght with feminine beauty, as it will remind us of our original fluid, pliant state that is capable of easy sensual movement, expansion & interconnectedness.
Things we will be dealing with in the retreat:

- how to conquer your internal war
- learn to make peace with your body
- create a vision of dynamic wellbeing
- Receive guidance on artistic compositions
- an exhibition of work to review your success
Essentially, this weekend will be an introduction to the power of harmonious colours and forms, reflecting on spiritual awakening and the return of the divine feminine energies. Created in a fresh & fun way, this course will teach you how to balance your life through looking at your aura colours and astrological portrait. From that you will learn how to create an empowering self-portrait that reflects on your true self... guiding you towards self-love, self-acceptance and authentic being.
My own artwork is essentially a response to a life time of suffering and personal trauma and has helped me tremendously to see the light inside. My paintings gave me the incentive to re-sculpt my body, which I hated so much until then. I realized upon seeing an actual example of how I wanted to look like, that I can indeed attract this as a definite reality into my life! I now want to inspire others to achieve the same.
To be part of the next 3-day course, get in touch under info@annett-bank.co.uk. You can also check out: www.annett-bank.co.uk