Thursday, 13 January 2011

Visual Affirmations for Increased Fertility

Just Visualize your pregnancy!  

* I now have hope
* I enjoy life
* I trust my body.
* I am listening to my body
* I am comfortable with who I am
* My pregnant body is beautiful.
* I am getting healthier and healthier
* I will carry my healthy baby to term
* My womb is a healthy place for my baby
* I am a positive and happy person
* The knowledge I need is coming to me
* I will get pregnant when the time is right
* I am ready and open to welcome my baby
* I am making room in my life for a baby now
* I am ready and open to welcome my baby
* I am intelligent and know what I want

* I am a strong woman.
* I am a good mother.
* My pregnant body is beautiful.
* Birth is safe for me and my baby.
* My baby senses the peace I feel.
* I am having an impact on my fertility  
* My body knows how to give birth.
* My baby knows the true birthday.
* My body knows when to give birth.
* My baby will be born at the perfect time.
* My baby will find the perfect position for birth.
* I know how to take care of myself in pregnancy.

* I am comfortable with who I am
* I welcome abundance
* I am successful
* My baby loves me.
* I will hold my baby in my arms
* I am taking charge of my fertility
* I am a positive and happy person
* I am ready and open to welcome my baby
* I am making room in my life for a baby now


What you see, you will believe!
Change your beliefs and expectations towards your pregnancy 
and you will soon see the results.
Artist Annett E. Bank offers vibrant, uplifting, figurative art.that enhances harmony and emotional wellbeing, attracts love and romance, and acts as visual affirmation in fertility treatment.
View her work