
All spiritual teachings demonstrate to us that we need to find our true human potential – to strive to be all that one can be and recognize our own “true beauty” that emanates from within. It was from that notion that I felt inspired to transform myself not only physically, intellectually and in ethical terms, but also in psycho-energetically respect. As a typical woman I sought peace, harmony and cosiness and cared for all things sensual, especially since they were crudely lacking in my life until that point. I used this situation to my advantage and developed an artistic language that aims to ”ennoble” others to get the Creative Spirit’s idea of perfection. In my work I thus hope to inspire people to reflect on the experience of spontaneous joyful, mindful living that makes one feel good. It is my conviction that we need more art in the world that promotes health, positive energy and stability– art that calms you down, yet simultaneously lifts you up - raising your consciousness along the way. My work has all that in mind; it is very intriguing, warm and mature, and designed at the core to enhance one’s energy. Characterised with a great amount of sensitivity, musical rhythm and visual decadence it embraces dynamic movement with stillness.

I firmly believe that any piece of fine art possesses the qualities of its author and by using my own personal standards as an example; I have chosen to produce paintings on the subject of the expressive human being whose strength radiates from the inside out. The figures in my work therefore show a capability for balance, wisdom, purity of mind, tranquillity, control over one’s senses, fitness, goodness, truthfulness, light, poise and equilibrium.

When we are aware in these inner areas - predominantly in the psychic nerve system and the super-conscious nerve system - the cells of our bodies respond and we begin to look more refined too. Also, if a woman is going for perfection, she has to supplement herself with masculinity – meaning absorbing the best qualities that the best of men possess; in the same way as a man who is going on to perfection has to supplement himself with femininity - seeking the best of female qualities. When you manage to bring together these male & female principles into one single, successful artistic composition, the artwork will then be enhanced by a powerful ascending, actinic and contemplative quality.

Conclusively my paintings are about combining these masculine powers with feminine gentleness & male strength with female beauty - conveying a certain attitude that women possess a divine faculty of separating within mankind their good intentions from evil thoughts. In this way the artwork becomes symbolic for purification and heals the surroundings in which they are displayed in.
The artist Annett E. Bank works and lives in Brighton, UK where she can be contacted at info@annett-bank.co.uk, or 0044-01273205251. She currently completed 2 successful solo shows and can be seen again at the Affordable Art Fair in London later this year. All her current works and accomplishments
can be viewed at her website:
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