Friday 13 August 2010

Art for the Bedroom

Feng Shui is the art of creating a home environment that supports the life you wish to live. In feng shui they say: 'You are what you see', so if the images on the wall are lonely single and solitary - that's what you'll attract into your life.

Try changing your artwork so the images you hang are more romantic, paired, coupled & sensual - by your description & feelings - they should reflect what you want your love life to be like, so when you lie in bed and look at those scenes, that's what you'll attract.
Also, contrary to the common believe, it is Golden-Green Yellow, not pink as mostly assumed that is the colour of love. Yellow is the color of the sun and signifies longevity. This is immediatly followed by red, which is the colour of joy - joy transmutes into love. Remember the last person you fell in love with? They did so, because you had so much joy with them...

So here is what you can do to re-create this. Place powerful “energy enhancers" such as uplifting artwork around your home and before you know it, you'll feel better and start exuding the characteristics of a joyous, happy person...

Rounded shapes and the colour orange symbolize yin, the passive female principle and are implied in the curves of the female human body. Orange, is the vibrant blend of red & yellow and lends passion and understanding to you and your partner. Yang is the masculine part and represented as the light, active principle and the colour azure. Yin and Yang evolved from a belief of mutually dependant opposites that cannot live without the other. Whereas the Western perspective assumes separation and unrelatedness, the Chinese see it as evolving and cycling. There is neither right or wrong, but rather there is balance, transformation, interaction, and dependent opposition. Established Figurative Artist Annett E. Bank beautifully illustrates these ideas in affectionate artworks that reflect on this inter-connectedness of two already complete individuals; providing a holistic vision of harmony, unity and oneness between both energies.

It's always a good idea to clear your clutter, sort out your life and become silent and still through meditation and round, leafy plants & flowers in your living area. As a result, your home will be fun and pleasurable to be in- and your vitality enhanced!

  • have pictures of love,
  • tasteful nudes
  • couples in an embrace
  • or images of affection
The ideal colour for your bedroom is anything from ivory to mahagony, like blushy skin coulour. Green symbolizes life & love and is considered to be a color of freshness, growth and peace, which makes it ideal for bedrooms. Blue is the colour for wisdom, clarity and knowledge. And finally pink. Pink flowers enhance relationships and create a positive energy for both singles and couples alike.

In this way art helps you to achieve a harmonious flow of nourishing, sensual energy that invites you, lures you in, excites you -
yet calms you down at the same time....


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