Monday 27 September 2010

The Power of Art & Healing

The key ingredient for transformation is the courage to jump into life! Nothing can come to you unless you invite it...Just as we need the darkness to see the light, noise to recognise silence, fullness to understand emptiness, we need ugliness to appreciate beauty, and need the ego mind to become conscious of our being. When we grow up we begin to compete with others to proof our self-worth, thus experiencing both success & failure. When we experience victory we feel strong & superior, when we experience defeat we feel weak and inferior and begin to struggle with our initial self-centred attitude that the world should evolve around our needs and give us what we need. Our wounded ego then keeps us small and fearful, and unfortunately most people live in this state of wounded ego-mind that has a poor self-esteem/image, that is full of negative and self-defeating thoughts and emotions. They see themselves as victims and life being a struggle. When we don't receive unconditional love we think others are against us and we begin to shrink. Our wounds inhibit us & cause our energy to leak out. Healing is the antidode and that painful process that is necessary to close these holes. Remember, in order to transform coal into a diamond, great pressure, pain and suffering are absolutely necessary. In this way suffering helps us to learn the needed lessons to grow in intelligence and consciousness. Because unless we suffer, we don't see the need to come out of suffering. Therefore we must be willing to embrace our painful wounds face them, accept them and take full responsibility for them. We need to forgive those who have hurt us and learn the lessons that where contained within that experience. It is important to be aware that all experience is neutral and in order to heal fully we must be willing to let go of all our believes, conditioning, judgements, negative emotions (jealously, greed, envy etc.) and allow our old ego to die. Our physical bodies are full of suppressed pain that keep us from seeing that we are infact already perfectly powerful, beautiful & extraordinary! However, with forgiveness and understanding of the needed lesson, the pain, sorrow, regret fear, anger and blame that we've experienced as a consequence of trauma are transformed into compassion, forgiveness and gratitude...and our energy is restored into wholeness. When we feel whole, our life becomes more creative and joyful, and we become more relaxed, present and content. But for that to happen we need to fix our personal problems first and make correcting our mind pattern your main priority in life. Feel what you feel. If you feel depressed, feel it, look at the physical and mental reasons and then release it. Do not stop until you are successful. You are the only one responsible for everything in your life. A person must be happy within him/ herself. No other being can make you happy if you are not already happy. Our biggest enemies are really our greatest teachers, without them we would not know our fears and hate. That is how you know it and then transmute it. Everything that you'll ever need is already within you. Be aware of it and apply corrective applications. Always move forward, never give up. Consciously remove all victim mentality, abusive thoughts, low self- worth, need for insulation and feelings of lack. Each person on earth must gain control of his/her own minds to find out who and what they truly are within Godmind and teach others to do the same.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Experience the joy of Being!

Some say that we are not here to be happy. They insist that life was never meant to be easy; reclaiming our spiritual Self is not easy, as we are here to learn, to grow, to evolve, to love, to serve—in order to fully experience the joy of your Being! We need creative play in order to achieve that. It is an opening to our very being and a simple, intrinsic human need that has been the ultimate casualty in the battleground of our neurotic productivity. Western culture sees productivity as the ultimate virtue, and idleness or creative play as weakness or a character defect. As work gobbles up our lives, we fail to relish and live in the moment, and we’ve forgotten the sheer delight of play.

To really savor life, we must indulge in this most intrinsic need. So remember to trust yourself and your feelings. They will tell you what you need to be happy and fulfilled ...not the media! When you live life to its fullest, you are a constantly developing work of art. Start by asking yourself: What is most important to you in your life? What are your deepest values and beliefs? Give yourself time to explore these questions and notice what comes up that touches and inspires you most deeply. Put your entire being behind it and inviting divine guidance to help you with this. Vibrate excitement, happyness & joy!

1. Abandon your comfort zone
2. Immerse yourself in nature
3. Cut the electronic umbilical cord
4. Discover the voluptuous art of painting
5. Get rid of the chains that bind you
6. Positive Thinking leads to success and well-being
7. Bike, bike, bike
8. Life from the Heart
9. Love your work!
10. Eat & drink right

What we are looking for, we already are. If you open yourself up and allow free movement of love in you life, it will happen within you. If you restrict yourself, hold yourself back and move into denial, you will be suppressing the energy that is coming in, and you will create disease. This is going to effect the men, more than the women. The male thought pattern of being logical is past - it is time to try something different. Does that mean that men are going to have to express their "womanhood?" Yes, that's exactly what it means.

Men are going to have to move out of the masculine dominated world role and into a more nurturing role, not only with Self but with everyone else. It will be a tough lesson for men, because of all the out-of-balance role models that they have been exposed to and had to put up with. They need to be more in balance. We have to make the effort. Again, it comes down to intent. A lot of the men on our world are going to be leaving - transitioning. The reason for this is that the majority of men are full of self-imposed isolation. They have shut themselves down. Men need to allow energy to move through their bodies like women do, otherwhise they are not going to make it. They will have brain aneurysms and heart attacks. If you are not in a space of love, then you are in a space of fear.

The return of the Divine Feminine

Thursday 9 September 2010

What it means to take your power back

Start to love yourself first...

... and then you take responsibility for yourself and your whole life. Most of you know already that you are the creator in your life, that you created everything in your life. You choose your parents, you choose your school, you choose your mate, which is everything in your life - maybe not out of the mind but your souls chooses. There is nothing bad outside. Everytime you say 'my family, teacher, government etc. is so are giving your power away.

Because then you are saying, it was not me who created that, but him, or her and then you give 'the other' your power. And you are making a statement that 'the other' has power over you and did something that you didn't want. But this is not true, it's a little trick from our ego & fear. Just accept every situation in your life the way it is and try to see its perfection, then you can create everything! And you can re-create everything , it doesn't matter what it is. First you have to go into your heart and there you get the honest and truest answer.
Then just decide to say: No, I am absolutely not willing to accept this situation, I want it in another way and then just GO FOR IT & DO IT!

Ask yourself what do you want and then do it... If you are in your heart and really take your power and responsibility back then you can create only good things -even if it initially doesn't look so good- it will be. It's logical: love can only create love = healed, good things. Remember, if love doesn't make you feel comfortable and shows you pain, it helps you to heal and free you of this fear and pain. So first go into your heart - do something good for this world and for yourself, for earth, nature. And then you take your power over yourself and your whole life - imagine! You now have a situation which really brings you out of your way.

Everytime you complain about something, remind yourself of the fact that: 'Hey, I created this situation!' Then say: I want to change my life and take my power. I want to be really responsible for everything that is in my life!' And then you can change everything. Sometimes we think that we are limited, that we have only this right, or that opportunity, or can only work in this job etc. The important, interesting thing is, why have we've chosen it? Why have we've created that, or why has God brought this situation into your life? Your Soul wants to show you something. You can find out what it is by asking your heart, or your angels...but first you have to accept it and say: Yes, I have chosen that.
One big illusion - and the whole world if full of illusions - is that you have to have an education, but always ask yourself who is telling me that? Who gives me these rule, who wants to have power over me? Your family, the government? Most of the time these people are afraid, and because of these fears they are trying to control everything. They limit to what you are meant to do; to wear, to eat etc. The whole world is full of rules - about DOING things in a certain way. If you follow that, your heart is closing down, because the heart makes the rules, it tells you where to go and what is the best thing to do!

Ask yourself: Do I really want to do it? and if your heart say, NO don't do it because there is nobody and no human who gives you some rules, or who has any power over you. It doesn't exist! There is nobody who is allowed to tell you what to do. It is just God - and he/she won't tell you what to do, because he just loves you. Even your parents, yes they did a great job, they gave you life, but you are not responsible for your parents. Your parents are not allowed to tell you what to do! It is just not true. You are a human being, divine light and love.

You, and nobody else has to decide what you want to do.
Do it your way. You can just go and quit your job, you don't have to have an education, etc. You don't have to get up at 6 o'clock, just stay in bed. It is so important that you really do your own thing. Let's take the example of insurances. They are selling you "safety". So what you say if you buy into their fear mongery is: Dear insurance, please take care of my body, my car, my house and if something happens you'll say: Ah, thank God, I have an insurance! But maybe it was the best thing that this car was broken, because it showed you that there is something broken inside yourself. Otherwise it wouldn't have happened to you. Life is just perfect. There is only love, so how can there be something that is not perfect. You say: Oh no, it's not perfect because i am so ugly and it reminds me of my fears & insecurities. But then you just connect with this fear and accept it and love it... until it is turning into pure joy!

What's it all about? Times are changing. The situation here on earth is changing. At the time of Atlantis we took all of our soul into our body; we where just living our life's plan. Although we were connected to our heart, we weren't listening to our heart, we were more in our brain and started abusing our power.
Now in 2010 it is really possible to go into your heart and life out of your heart and its possible to create out of your heart. So don't be afraid of your power, it's understandable -you are becoming like God now, you are getting creative! It's normal to be afraid of learning - but you must try again and again and again until you'll achieved what it is that you truly want. Don't give up! It's really important. How else can you learn it, you can just learn by doing. The child is not stopping to learn: adults try something - then they fail - and then they'll stop. And then they'll never do it again. Enjoy the fear, enjoy the power - embrace it, it's divine. There is nothing else than divinity. God forgives you, so you have to forgive yourself & everyone else for everything. The period of Karma is coming to an end now, because we are going into Oneness, we are going into light. So the bad and the good melting into one. Now it's possible to delete all your Karma, if you like to. If you feel you have something you feel guilty about, than ask your angels to burn your Karma for you, because now it's time to get onto a new level. What a fantastic time we are living in! The dualistic world is over, we are moving into a time where there is no Good & Bad, so there is no use of Karma anymore. Be as a child, enjoy life and play! You can now create your life to be the best life you've ever had - it's very easy! If you want to, you can sleep, or eat, meet your friends and chat, sing, dance the whole day and night...whatever makes your heart really happy! Whatever brings you the most love and shows the most joy in your face? Which is the most beautiful situation that helps you the most? What do you really like doing? Feel it in your heart and then do it right away!

There are no rules - there are no limits. There is nothing that stops you, only yourself. It depends on whether you give it permission, or if you don't. If you take responsibility/ power or not. It's just a decision. Even if you want something in one moment, you can choose a new way in the next. Why not just live an easy life? Why not have a lot of fun in your life-why not? Sure, you can still work hard and feel very guilty about everything, and fight a lot - you are really free to do what you want to do in every part of life. The government has no power over you if you don't allow it, just tune into this energy of Oneness and live in the new earth. If you are around people who are unconscious, i.e. they are not really realizing what they are doing and have bad thoughts all the time, you will not like to be with them - so don't do it. If you have people around you that make you feel sad, what's the sense of that? Everything that you feel most comfortable with - that you really like & love helps you to be in your heart. This can be your favourite colour, crystals, music...just picture this: how do you feel if you listening to your most favourite music, or when you eat your favourite meal? You feel comfortable, you feel safe, you feel good, you get a sense of enjoyment. It's that easy. Imagine you are looking at your favourite picture - a picture of a situation that really touches your heart and if you look at that, you are in your heart. Have a look around your house and garden, if you find anything that you are not sure about having in your space ... throw it out! Buy a new item & make sure you buy your favourite one!

There is no sense to live in surroundings, or with things that you don't like. They just take energy away from you. Do you like your life, I mean do you really love it? Imagine a scenario where people ask you: "What do you do?" and you say... "Nothing". "So what are you doing?" you answer: "I am living. I enjoy life and try to love everything and heal it." And they say: 'What? It's not possible!' .... 'Yeah of course it's possible, everything is possible. If you are in your heart & enjoy everything, life gives you everything you really want, it organizes everything. So, what do you want more? Do you think you can live like this until you are old, even if you are 60, or 70? Yes, of course. Why not. Nobody and nothing from the outside can give you safety, only the heart can. It doesn't matter how old you are, which education you have, what kind of parents you have, which language you speak, in which country you live.

All you need to do is to Say: YES to life.

Credit given to Lena, a Chrystal Child from Switzerland
Artwork by